Episode 2: Progress Update #2

ey whats up its ur boy back with another weekly update, oh it's been 5 months since the last one? Hm

Well I'm still plodding along with this. Sure doesn't feel like the first episode came out almost a year ago, but here we are. Shauntal's just a really fastidious dungeon master, I guess.

Anyway, check out this store interface that I made all by myself. It's got all sorts of code and stuff!

I have a friend helping me make a rudimentary inventory system that keeps track of your items and gold and stuff, so you can buy a torch in town and have it when you encounter a dark cave, or something like that.

Got a map screen where you can click on various buildings and meet NPCs before you go out on your adventures.

So what I find myself wondering is why I'm turning this into a pseudo choose your own adventure instead of just a cute girl hangout sim, and that would be a very good question. It started as just a basic idea of having d&d as a background thing when hanging with Shauntal, but I kept going "oh that'd be a cool thing to have", and eventually it spiraled out of control past the point of no return, around the point I commissioned various outfits for her to wear to represent different characters.

Look at qt knight

As for when this'll be done, I keep telling myself that this should not have taken a year, but at this rate it will definitely not be done in less than 2 months. Sorry to be one of those "it'll be done when it's done" people but yea, doing my best here. Hopefully it will have been worth the weight.

Get Unova Nights


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This game is absolutely incredibly adorable. It made me miss my girlfriend all the more, and I wish you the best with episode 2.


After what I saw with your other two VNs, I actually appreciate your desire to take your time with this one and not post "forced" updates. Quality needs time, and seeing how you always are going way beyond the "meet girl, click right answers, fuck" approach, I am absolutely sure the finished product will be great once again.

It'll be done when it's done, and I'll be here to appreciate it.

(And yes, I created that account specifically for commenting on your page lol)


I am an avid DND nerd, and i can appreciate this. Something to do that isnt just get with girl and do the seggs
Slaying monsters and pussy, hell yeah

Take ya time, man. Rome wasnt built in a day

It'll be out when it's out, and we like that, it'll be out when it's out

Happy to see this project is still alive.

Yeah I'm not just gonna vanish on you

I still say Shauntal looks like a cross between Velma Dinkley and Zone-Tan.

Hell yea

I think when fangames have a running faucet element to them that there can only be fun outcomes