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that’s siegullion my pokemon oc 


Finished my first run, and I'm shocked to find something this fluffy and wholesome from 4chan of all places. While I never watched the Sinnoh anime, Dawn's particular form of infectious confidence and the choice between focusing on the contest (which I did, because I grinded the shit out of contests in Ruby) or the date sim was a smart move, given the grievance about unrealistic love. 

Though I am a bit sad that the epilogue doesn't show anything of Cynthia after all the build up for her, especially given how funny Hilda and Rosa were (both with each other and with Dawn), I understand wanting to make it feel condensed. The time skips do feel a little jarring, but not distractingly so. Just kinda comes off as a "proof of concept" for what might come next. Though with them palling around in Unova, it does make me wonder if there's gonna be an Easter egg for this in the Roxie VN. Though maybe that's me just having a poisoned brain and thinking back to the secret epilogues in Kingdom Hearts, lol.

MC does come off as a creepy weirdo to me, but in a "oh Arceus someone is talking to me what do I do" sense. It makes the juxtaposition with Scyther funny. I can see why someone as extroverted as Dawn would end up "adopting" him, so to speak. Not sure how to feel about his inner thoughts basically just being a tame version of /dg/, but I appreciate wanting the affection levels to be mutual.

My only major problem with the VN, aside from some gripes with the art that I feel like fixes are already in the works, is just a reoccurring thought I had while playing. If Dawn ranked second in a contest so prestigious that even our dopey MC was aware of, why does nobody recognize her? 

Maybe this is brought up in another route. I've only done one route, and I will come back and add on to this after I've taken time to explore the game more.


Fluffy and wholesome is my jam.

I would've loved to do more Cynthia stuff but art was already hard to come by so I didn't want to do much with that. It'd be top of the list to flesh out if my artist was available, which alas, he hasn't been for some time so I can't do too much new stuff at the moment.

That's a fair gripe, I guess. I probably could have added it in here and there, but I figure it would've got old if it kept happening.

There's not a whole lotta difference between "routes", just new directions to the same thing. Spoiler warning, there's no bad ending, because as I said fluffy and wholesome etc.

Thanks for the review though, I'm always happy to read people's thoughts :3


Also the MC is a self insert so I take offense whenever anyone rightfully points out he's weird so fuck you


This is a great game I just got the non lewd ending, made my heart melt, can't wait for more.


Thanks for making this game. 

I've got to say, I really enjoyed playing this and I hope you can make a sequel/fandisc  for it too. 

Maybe we could finally see Dawn dressed up  in other outfits like a cheerleader or a  swimsuit. 


Finished not lewd route, awesome!

Started again, hope to see it would got any updates in future or sequel\other dating game ;)

how do you do the lewd route i can't get it

just played through the last update loved the improvements. you have done a wonderful job on this game will love to see what you make next!

Thanks friend <3

havent played yet but these comments make me hopeful for a high quality game, downloading it now

fingers crossed


Whenever someone posts something like this they always mysteriously don't post again ;__;


finally finished non lewd route and absolutely love it, sorry for taking my time tho

Hooray, glad to hear it :D

Show post...

Is this a romance? Can I choose a non-con route?


I will literally invest for you to do a continuation of this. I had my doubts at first but my god this was hands down the best VN ive read is a long time. Im dead ass serious about investing for a continuation

Aw, glad you liked it, friend :>

I, uhh, did just set up a ko-fi if you're so inclined.  By no means required though.

I got you bud, give me a little time 🤙

Thank you darling <3 I really appreciate it, a special dawn smooch to you.

I noticed you did an update about 3 days ago, is there notes on that or was that just for this post? 

Also, will there be more to this or is that it for dawn?

I think it says there's an update any time I do anything, even the smallest change. Specifically this was me adding the ko-fi link. I'd make a post if it was anything significant.

And it's probably not the end. I'd like to try and do some stuff for different girls here and there but dawn is still gonna be my favorite. These things take a lot of time and work though so nothing in the works right now.

is the apk version also 1.0 like the windows and mac versions?

They should all be the same, yeah.


(2 edits)

just finished my first playthrough of the game and was wondering if you had a discord or something of the sort .

I don't, unfortunately. Not sure it'd gain enough traction at the moment, might make one if I ever release a second project. I post a bit on my twitter if you wanted to give that a follow.


I'm having trouble with the android version. I download the APK file, but it's not working. I'm able to do it with other apks, just not this one. Anyone know a fix?

I really don't know a thing about the android version, I basically just clicked the buttons to make the file. It's seemed to work for other people though so I really can't offer much help, sorry.

HELP, How do I get this scene? 

I've been trying to get it for some time now and I STILL can't get it

You'll get that if your affection is high enough after the contest and you're not together yet.

The game was great, I loved just as much as i love Dawn, also quick question, will u be making other VNs for the other heroines in pokemon ?

I hope to. These take more time and resources than I expected so I don't know though.

I am GREATLY looking forward to the others  then, also, keep up the AMAZING work

Hola alguien q me dé una guía de cómo obtener el final sin Escenas H porque ya lo saqué pero no puedo sacar el otro final gracias


aaaa this so Good!! but i need in spanish i dont understand english very well pe :,v


This would probably be very hard to impossible but I think it would be cool to have a sequel to this as an RPG where you explore the new region. It's probably a lot harder to make an RPG than a visual novel, so I understand if it wouldn't happen. I really like this game though and would like to see more, even if there's another visual novel sequel, that would be very nice.

Great job with the game and keep it up!

I think it would be cool too if in a sequel you pick what ending from this game you want to start with to have multiple paths.

That would be pretty cool but way beyond what I have the resources to do, unfortunately.

cant dl for some reason I turned off block popups, still I get nothing unfortunately

This so Good! Question will you make an after story of this novel? 


It's possible. Working on original assets for this one currently, but when I've got all that done, who knows.

Can't wait 😁

I know I've commented here before but I was wondering how do I get the last 5 images from the art gallery?

They're from the lewd scenes, check out the walkthrough.

it didn't work

Do you have sexual content turned on?

yes so much so that I've already got the other photos that are just obscene 

Small typo. I'd DM you on Twitter, but I'm suspended at the moment.


Oh cool I'll fix, thanks

i hate to say it, but i seen too manh vn games that have it, sooo.. will dis get a mobile support? xp

There's an android download, other than that, no.

(1 edit) (+1)

pog, thx mate, wait.. where android version? :o

nvm i find it, thx mate, havent play it but 10/10 cuz dawn is actually my fav character in pokemon <3

I would like to know how I can release the H scenes I've tried to do a little of everything but it doesn't work, someone help me (╥﹏╥)

Deleted 1 year ago

I still can't get the last five I've basically done everything vn has said to do in the past with other comments but I still have not gotten them.

how to win while also getting lewd? Also, i love this VN, its so wholesome


will there be pregnancy


This is honestly my favorite VN. I really liked the way Dawn was written. I would love a sequel to this, especially if it begins with you already dating Dawn.


Great VN

That's all i want to say



How do I get the last five pictures?


Get lewd ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

i've already done the path where i win and got lewd but i never got the last five pictures, am i doing something wrong?

That's odd, that should work.

Do I have to talk about the festival?


It helps. Hanging out with her increases her affection.


I've never played a VN before, but this is the most wholesome thing I have ever experienced. I was genuinely sad when it was over.  VNAnon, you have a knack of making Dawn so lovable.  SuiteNan's art makes it feel so official which really sells it even more.  Thank you for making this a thing. 

Dawn is lovable by default but I'm glad I did well <3


VNAnon, this is the first VN I've ever played and just like a few here I created this account just to say: This VN is incredible and I thorougly enjoyed it. Took a few tries but I got the H-scenes which I am so satisfied with. It's incredible how invested I actually became. Dawn best waifu. Keep up the insanely talented work my man. I'll look forward to future updates :)

Thank you friend <3 glad you liked it

how do i win contest try eveything and i got the move i need by pratice what im i doing wrong.

Get all the practice in that you can, dodge, target snivy, swords dance then quick attack, buy pokemon handbook

i want to say keep up the good work and looking forrwed for furture updates. ps no need to rush


This is honestly a great game 10/10 but ive played through several times and won the contest but I can not for the life of me figure out how to get the H scenes. What am I doing wrong?


Ignore all the contest stuff and just hang out with her.

okay i thought that matter a lot.

I must be an idot because Ive skipped all the contest stuff and hung out with her in various spots Ive gotta be do something wrong still trying to through

Don't suppose you've got sexual content turned off?

Its definitely on. Im trying to switch it up on what I do and try to unlock the pictures and H scenes but to no avail 

Deleted post

Honestly some of the best dialogue and story telling I've EVER seen in a VN. If anyone out there is not sure if this one is worth the time, this is your sign telling you that it is. To VNAnon: I would love to see any sort of full fledged VN with more artwork from you. This is some really phenomenal stuff man


Thanks bud <3 I'll do my best


It seems that no matter what I do I cannot win in the contest I did pretty much everything to win in the contest I really need a walkthrough


You get more skill the more practice you do before the day of the contest; do all the contest prep events and try swords dance then quick attack in the practice battles. In the contest focus on dodges/hitting snivy.


A walktrough please 

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